Call for Papers

Oct 1, 2021

Call for Papers:


Astrodynamics is a peer-reviewed journal prioritizing original research in all fields of astrodynamics. Publishes high-quality articles of original research, comprehensive reviews, mission accomplishments, and technical comments. Welcomes related research in astronomy and astrophysics. Offers a productive, fair, and rapid review policy with review results expected within 8 weeks.

Astrodynamics由清华大学主办,清华大学出版社出版,Springer公司负责海外发行,清华大学航院教授宝音、中国科学院研究员高扬、美国爱荷华州立大学教授魏烽(Bong Wie)等三人共同担任主编。 Impact factor 6.1

Aerospace Systems

Aerospace Systems是由上海交通大学主办 Aerospace Systems provides an international, peer-reviewed forum which focuses on system-level research and development regarding aeronautics and astronautics. The journal emphasizes the unique role and increasing importance of informatics on aerospace. It fills a gap in current publishing coverage from outer space vehicles to atmospheric vehicles by highlighting interdisciplinary science, technology and engineering.

Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Zhongliang JING 敬忠良教授, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

Regional Editors, Europe, Prof. Dr. Dmitry Yu STRELETS, Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia

Asia-Pacific, Prof. Dr. Xingqun ZHAN 战兴群教授, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

North and South America, Prof. Dr. Zhenghong ZHU 朱正宏教授, York University, Canada

  • AI and Autonomous Systems Special Issue, Planning,Control, and Learning in Mobile Robots (Prof. Shugen Ma马书根教授, Fellow IEEE, Prof. Xin Xu, Dr. Jin Wu et al.)
  • Mathematics, Special Issue: Applications of Machine Learning in Spacecraft and Aerospace Systems, ( Prof. Ming Liu 刘明教授, HIT., Prof. Zhiqiang Ma马志强 ) ;
  • Mathematics, Special Iuuse: Mathematical Methods in Spacecraft Relative Motion (Dr. Wei Wang, Dr. Zhaohui Dang, Dr. Jihe Wang, Dr. Chengxi Zhang, Dr. Ran Sun)
  • Aerospace, Special Issue: Satellite Formation Flying: Dynamics and Control ( Prof. Danil Ivanov, Federal Research Center, Russia , Prof.王继河,Prof.王伟,Prof.孙然 Dr. 吴荩) ;
  • Applied Sciences, Special Issue: Autonomous Formation Systems: Guidance, Dynamics and Control, ( Prof. Jihe Wang 王继河教授 ) ;
  • Applied Sciences, Special Issue: Advances in Deep Space Probe Navigation (Dr. Mingzhen Gui, Prof. Dr. Jin Liu, Dr. Chengxi Zhang, Dr. Mingzhe Dai)
  • Symmetry, Special Issue: Recent Progress in Robot Control Systems: Theory and Applications (Volume I, Volume II);
  • AppliedMath, Special Issue: Applied Mathematics in Robotics: Theory, Methods and Applications (Prof. Weisong Wen文伟松, Dr. Jin Wu吴荩)
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